La Défense, Paris
+06 48 48 87 40

Risk Early Detection Module

Risk Early Detection Module

Having the right information at the right time and in the right place has an important role in determining the risks undertaken by businesses at an early stage.
In a business that attaches importance to early detection of risks, the following elements should be ready:
1-Data provisioning, storage and data mining
2-Performance scorecards
3-Institutional analytical studies
4-Querying and reporting data in the context of performance and analytical studies
5-Financial reporting
Risk detection requires analytical methods.
These methods are covered under two main headings depending on their functions:
Descriptive analytics
Predictive analytics
Descriptive analytics is also the premise of predictive analytics. Predictive analytics is unrealistic without descriptive analytics. The two components are also components of business intelligence.
The analytical approach of our definition service regarding the current situation measures the risks associated with the decisions taken with reports containing information about the business and its activities.
We aim to determine what might happen in the future with our prediction services. We make predictions on matters such as the financial future of the company, developments about the customers, and the possible consequences of the decisions taken.
We use the regression technique extensively in early detection of risks. Based on past and present data, we use models that minimize mistakes in our predictions for the future.